
Gettin' Started!

For my first post of all time I would like to talk NFL.

   First and foremost lets start with the pre-season training or lack-there-of this year and the signs of it on gameday. We are seeing significant injuries this year compared to other years and the most relevant backing to this was the lack of training due to a ridiculous lock-out. The lock-out should have never happened because everything the players were asking for they were offered right before the deadline and they walked. They became greedy in the end, and i blame the use of lawyers as the leaders of the NFL as of late. Rodger Goodell was a former lawyer and became the Commissioner of the NFL. He at times seems like a bad guy, at times seems like he's clueless, and of course at times a hypocrite. We'll get back to Goodell later, next we get to the NFLPA rep Demaurice Smith. Again a former lawyer, and what has he done? cause a lock-out, look like a fool in owner's boxes', give advise to the NBA PA. GET THE LAWYERS OUT OF THE LEAGUE!!!! Lets get back to what the NFL was based on, Love of the game, Loyalty to the owners, and Appreciation of the Fans! 
    Next I'm feeling some recent activity in the league. Lets talk Cam Newton, is he the Michael Jordan of the NFL or going to fizzle out? Honestly, Fizzle out or at least level out. Look at what's happened to him so far. Arizona rarely blitzed him and when they did he seemed shook up. Green Bay on the other hand is the mystery to me. they have a great team and yet the secondary (one of their biggest strengths) seems like a cakewalk this year. The Packers offense in that game seemed out of place at first then came on strong later. Back to Newton, all the Panthers are running with him are simple slant patterns, four streaks, option runs, hand off to Deangello or Jonathan, or checkdown to Jonathan on a swing or screen. Sooner or later this offense is going to get figured out and Cam will look like a typical NFL rookie thrown into starting line-up. Majority of the League's best QB's were sat their rookie season and learned from a veteran QB. best example is Aaron Rodgers because he just won a Super Bowl....
   Another topic i just came across is Brett Favre just received a couple calls from the Colts... Really? LET THE MAN RETIRE! when is the last season he had a touchdown to interception ratio greater than 2-1? when is the last time he finished the season on a great note? Nothing against Favre seeing how he holds the records of most TD's and Passing yards.... oh and INT's, which Marino threw a hundred less.... and didn't play AS long as Favre, so in my mind Marino is still the best all-time passer. Oh wait Dan, you never won a Super Bowl, Brett won 1... if Super bowls meant EVERYHTING in the NFL, Terry Bradshaw should be considered the greatest QB of all-time seeing how he has 4 under his belt. just saying.....
   Well seeing how I'm getting spotty and tired of typing with one hand, yes one, my right to be exact. my left is medically messed up at the moment. I'm going to bed and will be back on here tomorrow. hope you all enjoy the first of many to come.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy Isenberg9/21/11, 12:05 PM

    Great first blog! I agree..let Farve be retired. Personally, I was sick of the will he/won't he play anymore. He's old! Let the young guys take over.

    Good luck with the blog! Glad to see you started one. But I am prejediced since I'm your mother! GO STEELERS!!!!
